It’s been a while but life tends to get in the way it seems. I thought it was time to make a number of announcements regarding up coming classes and new services at Scottish Scribbles.
Scottish Scribbles is now providing romance/historical authors a unique service that has recently been dropped by most publishers that of a historical copy edit. With cut backs across the board many houses have long since dropped this service, most often relying on the research done by the author (which we know in romance is exceptional) and possible eye contact by her editor. The problem is often an editor may have only had one or two required college history classes and has little experience in the art of historical research. Of course we have all heard readers complain they don’t read historical fiction for a history lesson but having characters acting, eating, dressing ect for a particular time period is essential to a reader’s enjoyment of a story.
This new service at Scottish Scribbles will include a detailed read of your manuscript, a written evaluation of suggestions along with sources to enhance your story’s historical detail and an additional week for clarification on the points raised. We prefer electronic downloads but will accept hard copies in the mail. The fee for the service is $150 for 350+ pages or $95 for 350 or less pages. We also provide partial evaluations for historical content for any number of chapters, contact us for details/fees.
This service along with our historical research service will provide a well-rounded approach for the romance/historical writer who is looking to enhance her historical research needs. This service is not meant to provide any other type of copyediting (grammar ect), this is for historical detail only and in no way guarantees a manuscript will sell. For those of you who are members of Romance Writers of America (RWA) you qualify for a one time 20% discount on your first manuscript evaluated at Scottish Scribbles.
For more information on this unique service email us scottishscribbles@gmail.com .
Upcoming Classes:
Starting next Monday, August 3, I will be teaching a six week online class for romance writers on Scottish women from ancient to modern period. This class will be offered through the CELTIC HEARTS RWA chapter and administered through the use of a Yahoo loop. Class description:
The character of a country is defined not only by its history, but also the contribution of its people. With most history written by the victors (men), the history of their women is often overlooked. Contributions by women have been as rich and as powerful, if voiceless, whether they are of noble or humble birth. The women of Scotland are no exception. The class will explore the contributions of Scottish women: on the political stage, in the arts, or in the home, and provide sources for further study.
This class is a research class meant to provide the student with an understanding of how women played a role in the history/culture of Scotland over time and will include bio
graphies of women in the given time period. The inclusion of websites and lists of books will enhance the ability of an author to incorporate this information in their writing and character development.
The class will consist of two lessons a week: one lesson of the women of the era and the second lesson includes biographies of women of the era. There will be voluntary assignments each week to be posted on the Yahoo group. DISCUSSION OF MATERIAL IS ENCOURAGED AND EXPECTED ON THE YAHOO LOOP.
If you are unable to take the class at this time but wish to take the class, you can purchase class for $20 (CD), contact me for further details. I also offer my other Scottish class: THE OTHER SCOTLAND: The Borders and Lowlands, on CD for $25.

Future Classes:
KNIGHTS TEMPLAR- October 2009 (Tentative) offered through the Hearts Through History Chapter of RWA. Watch for details.